our roots
Roots are a foundation and much more. Roots anchor and ground but they also form the connection to the web of life, nutrition, and water in the soil. Roots are a platform upon which a large tree is built and stands tall through storms, tall because that is what it takes to reach the light. Reaching the light means survival. Two things are very limiting in the forest, the space for roots to grow and expand, and the place to access the sunlight. The tree that grows tall without a clever and sufficient root system will fall. The tree that does not grow tall enough fast enough, will wither and die. To grow tall takes consistent steady access to nutrients and water drawn both from the roots and from the relationships negotiated in and around the roots. So, the survival of the tree every day of life is based on the roots. The bold and clever platform contrived within the soil that enables prosperity and excellence for 1000 years.
WildCommons is a platform, an infrastructure, and the roots to support an agrarian renaissance… to enable the particularly agrarian and the particularly land-connected peoples and communities of people in the world to grow up in landscapes and thrive. WildCommons is clever root and structure for 1000 years designed to skirt paradigms, inevitable collapse, political change and more. It’s all in the roots!
The agrarians, defined as those whose sustenance, support, and security comes from the landscape and community are dying, failing, and withering in an increasingly rapid downward spiral. Agrarians, by definition can be the bees, they can be the wolves, or the bison, even the fish. The creatures of ecosystems are agrarians. As ecosystems fail and diminish so does this “tribe of trillians” in a process that has followed the rise of western civilization for several thousand years but has now accelerated to a pace that threatens all of us. Modern civilization takes the swaths of nature and distills them into our economy, our stab at civilized society, and our “prosperity”. The larger “prosperity”, global economy, and civilization grow, the faster the tribe of trillians fails and falls. In a broad view this is the steady movement of landscapes in our world.
Of course people can be agrarians too. When we now see the landscape, the people are there but more often than not the agrarian people are missing. They have failed to survive or they fail to survive in front of our eyes year by year in every community and landscape globally while rural livers and rural business interests supported by outside and disconnected economies multiply and prosper in the landscape. What does rural gentrification mean? Where does it lead and what does it do to the land? Importantly; should we care that agrarian people on average cannot survive and prosper in the landscape today?
The root system is analogous to the faltering situation. Land-connection rewilding, and a new kind of farming are hot. Still, the people who fit the agrarian definition are not finding a place to root or they are not growing tall enough fast enough to survive. We live in a time of deep dreaming of land connection but roots will predict survival or demise. As the other creatures diminish year by year and as we ponder from bubbles and ivory towers this loss and as always talk of conservation, we fail to notice the failure of human agrarianism in the landscapes, and if we do notice we usually fail to see the causes of failure or the significance.
Agrarians are stewards of landscapes. When they thrive, landscapes and mother nature thrive. When they struggle in and out of poverty or destitution, they consume landscapes. While agrarians fail, non-agrarian “footprint” is moving in and simply consuming from day one. It’s called “footprint”. The past decades fight to alleviate global poverty was the fight to hold back rivers that cannot be held no matter the mass of effort or resources used. The answer is upstream, the answer is in the roots. When we react to symptoms and pour resources into alleviation of symptoms we fail to truly help and we waste and dissipate effort, energy, and the resources.
WildCommons takes a deep-root-level approach. We assemble, build, and establish infrastructure for agrarian success in landscapes. We enable agroecology--humans within ecology--and the regeneration of landscapes. We enable re-indigenization, global support networks, and we enable agrarian business success. The infrastructure (the roots) is in a platform style modeled, oddly enough, on the smartphone success story. WildCommons creates and curates the deep roots that predict agrarian prosperity, agrarian renaissance, and 1000+ years of action.
By the roots we stand. By the roots peoples will regenerate landscapes. By the roots “footprint” and non-agrarian/non-stewardship dominance in landscapes will give way to symbiotic relationships and deep land-connected communities. Agriculture will shift to agroecology, and so called “modern forest practice” to diverse forest and mountain value recognition. In all, with the firm solid root systems for agrarian renaissance comes a better world tomorrow, a healing climate/atmosphere, and a reversal of the overriding shift of landscapes to lessening diversity and desertification. By agrarian roots and prosperity we have a future. Live the adventure, create the future! ~ WildCommons