The Barb-Wire or the Future

Step forward into the darkness

Out of your comfort zone

Put your hand in front until it feels the wire…

The wire of the fence that pins you in and keeps you hungry

That defines your poverty

We are in a test-tube

A vial of delimitation and domestication

You deserve to live…

To be wild…

Barb-wire is symbol

It is the domestication

The constriction…

To need and want and hunger for money

It is the symbol of market control

Preventing abundance

Preventing greatness of the grassroots…

The agrarian…

The peasant

And the simple land-connected humanity

Money in balance is our tool

Out of balance… it is our shackle and chain

Tying us to tasks that build plunder and destruction

Tasks that leave a future prospect of ever worsening disaster

That leave us hungry…



Out of balance, money constrains the weak and vulnerable

To labor not for their organic needs

But for the machine of capitalist extraction-venture

Enriching a few…

Grasp the barb-wire out of will


And decide as it tears slightly

To build a future while we can…

Build and construct the road to the future

And the future itself

Do it sublimely

While the past rolls on in arrogance

Dumbly nursing the needs of this great cause and future

Live… LIVE!

AgroecologyAlyssa Ackerman